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Experience #11

Celebrating New Beginnings

It's Experience #11. We are back, and we are celebrating new beginnings. This dinner experience is very special to us because we are honoured to have Mr T in our lives. For the past couple of years, just before Christmas, we have cooked a Mahberawi—a mixed platter of Eritrean/Ethiopian dishes for sharing.

Mr T, originally from Eritrea, crossed several countries to flee persecution and hunger. After several near-death incidents and refugee camps, he has finally established himself in this country and works in a home for the elderly. We are very proud to be a part of his life and have him at our table, sharing food and music.

This Experience's recipes are by him. We plated and shared this with friends, ate it as they do in Eritrea. This Experience is dedicated to his new life here and his family's future.

Experience #11





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