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Sailing The Mediterranean

Sailing The Mediterranean

Capturing the essence of a Mediterranean sailing trip in words is a challenge, given the abundance of emotions and sensations it evokes – experiences often far removed from our daily routines. Imagine the gentle caress of the early morning sun, the vast, unobstructed expanse of the sea, and the invigorating scent of salt carried by the wind. It's a blend of sensations that defies mere description. Perhaps it's best to let the music do the talking, to transport you to those idyllic moments rather than struggle with words.

Our voyage begins with "Unknown Treasure" by Blank & Jones, a melody that awakens memories of mornings when the sparkling sea stretches before you, promising a day of brilliance. Whether you're an experienced sailor or simply seeking a tranquil escape, this mix will take you to a haven of serenity and gently guide you back to your place of contentment.

As the mix winds down, we've included a couple of lively tunes – the kind that conjures images of landing on the shores of an island like Corfu, ready for a sundowner.

Watch a relaxing video of this mix on our YouTube channel.

Matcha Gin & Tonic

Sailing The Mediterranean

There are so many varieties of G&Ts now, it's tricky to come up with something original. We initially thought this concoction could be just that, but considering how trendy both matcha and gin are these days, we realised it might not be as unique as we'd hoped. Nevertheless, we see this as our take on the multitude of recipes out there.

We acknowledge that this particular matcha tonic water may not be readily available in stores, but several online retailers deliver to most European and North American countries. If you're unable to get hold of this tonic water, we suggest adding 5g of strong matcha powder directly to the gin, filtering it to remove any grains, and pairing it with a mild tonic water such as Mediterranean.

Ingredients (for one)

How to do it

  1. Put the cucumber slices and a couple of mint leaves into a cocktail glass. 

  2. Add the gin and put some crushed ice and shake it gently to bruise the cucumber and mint. 

  3. Fill the glass with ice and top with tonic water.

  4. Garnish with slightly bruised mint leaves and enjoy!

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