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Soul Connection

This mix, "Soul Connection," was created for Experience #9—Dinner Party in C Major to welcome a new friend to The Kitchen Counter Sessions and reflect the diversity around the table. In a world where people are constantly warring and closing doors to newcomers, we are trying to do the opposite. What better way to do that than having a dinner party and inviting old and new friends to chat, listen to music, and eat together?

This mix contains songs from various genres and countries, such as the people at the dinner. It starts with the Yotto's "The One You Left Behind", slowly building the energy in the room and on to tracks from Khainz, Silver Panda, Moonwalk, Marsh, Miss Monique. "Katania" by TH;EN is perhaps the most relevant song to our theme. The lyrics of this song come from a Greek song called "The Foreign Lands of Love" (Η Ξενητειά του Έρωτα), perfectly illustrating someone who was forced to move away from home, longing to go back, and it's a celebration of home and love.

We hope you will enjoy this with new and old friends as much as we did.

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Track List

  1. The One You Left Behind - Vok, Yotto

  2. The Drift - Khainz

  3. Soul Connection - Silver Panda

  4. Dark Waves - Moonwalk, EarthLife

  5. Touch The Sky - Marsh, Simon Doty

  6. Sveva - Malandra Jr.

  7. Katania - Th;en

  8. Deep Space - Sevenn, Silver Panda

  9. Yours - PLS&TY, Tudor

  10. Aylyak - Victor Garde

  11. Concorde - Miss Monique

  12. Sans Vetements - Far&High

  13. el Tiempo - Grigoré

  14. Heaven - Marsh

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