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Cod Tagine

Recipe by KCS team

Prep Time:

45 mins

Cook Time:

30 mins


4 Servings



If you like tagines, you are going to love this dish and it's super easy to cook.

cod in a tagine sauce with couscous and orange salad


For the Chermoula

2 bunches of fresh parsley

1 bunch of fresh coriander

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp turmeric 

2 cloves garlic

3cm piece of fresh ginger

1/2 a large preserved lemon (pulp only)

For the Cod

600g cod fillet (cut into 4 portions)

700ml passata 

1 medium onion (finely chopped)

1/2 a large preserved lemon (pulp only, reserve the rind)

Salt and pepper

Olive oil

For the Couscous

250g couscous (dry)

300ml water (boiling hot)

1/2 a preserved lemon (rind only)


For the Salad

200g of chopped salad (cabbage, carrots, lettuce)

1 mandarin (segmented and membranes removed)

35ml grapefruit juice

45ml olive oil 

Salt and pepper


Step 1

Make the Chermoula: Roughly chop the parsley, coriander, ginger, and garlic and bash them into a paste in a mortar and pestle. Add the remaining dry spices, lemon pulp, and olive oil and make a paste using the pestle.

If you don't have a mortar and pestle, finely chop the parsley and coriander on a chopping board. Then, grate the ginger and garlic into the mix and the remaining ingredients. Keep chopping and adding the oil until it becomes a paste.

Leave the mixture for 15 minutes to intensify the flavours, then put it on the cod and leave it to marinate for 30 minutes.

Step 2

Cook the Tagine Sauce: Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large pan and fry the onions until soft. Add the passata. Remove the chermoula from the fish and add it to the passata. Add any remaining chermoula as well. Season with salt and pepper and cook until the sauce is slightly reduced. Approximately 20 minutes.

Step 3

Make the Salad: Mix all the vegetables and mandarin segments in a bowl. In a jar, mix the grapefruit juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper and pour it over the salad.

Step 4

Cook the Couscous: Put the couscous into a bowl. Chop the preserved lemon rind and add it to the couscous and salt. Cover and leave for 10 minutes. Use a fork to fluff the couscous before serving.

Step 5

Cook the Cod: Lightly season the cod with salt and pepper, put it into the pan, cover with the sauce, and cook for 4 to 5 minutes.

Once the cod is cooked, remove it from the pan and rest for a few minutes. Serve on a bed of couscous and top it with the tagine sauce.

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